Pass on the joy of Parmesan parsnips this Christmas!

I happen to mention to a friend that I wanted to try making Parmesan parsnips and this was her Christmas gift to me

by Carol Muskoron

Each year I try to improve my Christmas meal just a little. The first year I concentrated on getting the turkey right, but in year two I made a chocolate log of my own and in year three I made my own stuffing. This year I've decided to tart up my parnsips.

I told a friend and she waxed lyrical about her Parmesan parsnips. So keen was she to share the joy of the things that she got her son, who has recently graduated with a degree in television production, to film her making them! I love technology and the fact that I can share my friend Jenny Double's Parmesan parsnips recipe with the world! I'll be making them on Christmas Day. Happy Christmas to all my lovely foodie readers - may all your parsnips be Parmesan-coated...

PS Will leave you with a few helpful links for Christmas cooking
Turkey cooking times
Christmas side dish recipes
Christmas and New Year party food recipes
Christmas log recipes - savoury and sweet
Christmas recipes collection

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Carla Griscti

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Carol  Muskoron

Carol Muskoron

Associate editor of All About You, loves life (mostly) and one-pan recipes (always).

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