What do your blemishes really mean?

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Spots, pimples, blemishes – we all get them, even as adults, but before applying a spot treatment or taking matters into your own hands (popping), it’s paramount you fully understand the type of blemish you have – and what’s causing it.

There are a whole host of products that promise to perfect your skin and banish spots, but it can be difficult to determine which to go for – and if handled incorrectly, you can end up with scarring, discoloration or quite simply worsen the condition.

The answer to this is mapped out in your face. You see, the area of skin affected can help pinpoint the cause, ergo allowing you to tackle and combat the exact issue with the right treatments and ingredients.

For women, adult acne has a predilection for the lower third of the face, which is, in the majority of cases, down to hormonal influences. But if you’re neglecting to get that nutritional hit of goodness via your five-a-day, or even using the wrong face cream for your skin type, this could contribute to the problem.

Here’s our breakdown of what your blemishes could mean and how best to banish them – plus expert tips from pro dermatologist Sam Bunting.

The forehead

‘I see a lot of patients where skincare and cosmetics are contributory,’ explains Sam. ‘This tends to lead to clogged pores and blemishes on the forehead and temples.’ The best approach? A product cull.

Simplify your skincare routine and remove any irritants like foaming cleansers and exfoliants. For a gentle cleanse, Avene Clearance Soapless Gel Cleanser, £11 at www.boots.com will answer all your blemish banishing prayers by purifying the skin while regulating oil secretion.

Alongside this, most acne sufferers will benefit from therapeutic products that contain salicylic acid. We love Malin + Goetz 10% Sulphur Paste, £16.50 at SpaceNK uk.spacenk.com. This little pot it a skin-clearing wonder. It’s infused with sulphur, which works to dry our spots, while the all-important inclusion of salicylic acid and zinc oxide exfoliate the skin and minimise any scarring.

The cheeks

This can be one of the tenderest areas and unfortunately, also one of the hardest to deal with. Often, when blemishes appear on your cheeks it’s down to the respiratory system, and prolonged exposure to pollution can cause problems. Ergo, a hit of fresh air can do wonders for your complexion – but this isn’t always simple for city dwellers.

New Scientist revealed earlier this year that a staggering 9 out of 10 people living in cities are exposed to high levels of polluted air, so ensuring your face is protected is essential. Clinique’s SuperCity Block, £18 at Debenhams www.debenhams.com, will help shield your skin from pollution, environmental irritants and sun.

Another thing most of us forget? Dirty mobile phones and pillowcases are two of the top acne culprits, and cheeks are the area they affect the most.


Spots along the jawline can often be diet-related, so a shot of the right vitamins and minerals could be just the remedy your skin is crying out for.

Biscuits, ready-made meals and other processed food can lead to congestion, so give your body a boost from the inside out with a daily dose of The Super Elixir, £96 at Selfridges www.selfridges.com. Mixing a blend of 45 key ingredients (including super greens) will keep your body happy, paving the way to a brighter and clearer complexion.

The chin

Usually hormone related, the majority of us suffer from spots around the chin at some time or another – and it can be the most frustrating area, as there is often little you can do. However Eve Lom Dyna Spot, £22 at SpaceNK uk.spacenk.com, could be your knight in shining amour when a spot rears its head. With soothing antiseptic balanced out with a dash of Salicylic Acid, it shrinks blemishes without drying the skin. Simply dab a little on any problem area before you go to bed and let it work its magic overnight.

If a spot has made its way to the surface as a whitehead, this is your body’s way of fighting the infection and it’s recommended you wait for it to fully appear before applying any treatment – otherwise you could keep it trapped under the pore.

Between the brows

If you suffer from excess oil or redness between the brows, it could be connected to your liver. Drinking hot water with a squeeze of lemon and cutting back on alcohol can go a long way if you have problems in this area – as can cutting back on fatty foods.

Alongside this, GlamGlow Super-Mud Clearing Treatment, £39.99 at Feel Unique www.feelunique.com, can work as a total game-changer as far as we’re concerned. By absorbing impurities and minimizing oil production, the mask helps combat blemishes and breakouts.

A few last words of encouragement from Sam: ‘acne is complex and frustrating, but be patient. It doesn’t develop overnight and improvement can be slow, so tenacity is required!’

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