Sew an outdoor cushion cover: free sewing pattern

Cushion cover

Cut one 48cm x 48cm square for the front and two 35cm x 48cm rectangles for the back of the cover. Press under and stitch a 1.5cm hem across one long edge of each cushion back. With right sides together, lay backs on top of the cushion front so hemmed edges overlap and stripes match at seams. Pin and stitch around outer edge, taking 1.5cm seam allowance. Trim seam allowances to 1cm and neaten seams. Turn right side out and press. Insert a 45cm x 45cm cushion pad.

Tip: Depending on size, you can make at least two cushion covers from one sack or more if you use it for the cushion front only and make the back from plain linen.

Vintage grain sack or similar fabric by the metre, Cloth House (020 7437 5155). Cushion pad, John Lewis


Feature: Kirsty Robertson. Photo: Richard Burns. Illustration: Terry Evans

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