Sew a rustic heart doorstop: free sewing pattern

Door stop - Homemade doorstop - Craft -

You will need 

• Sturdy cotton or linen fabric: two 30cm x 24cm rectangles for the bag, and one 18cm x 6cm rectangle for the handle
• Oddments of gingham and printed cotton fabric for decoration
• Bondaweb
• Matching thread
• Rice for filling

How to make 

1. Enlarge the heart templates below to about 20cm and 16cm high. Trace onto Bondaweb. Iron Bondaweb onto reverse of gingham and printed fabrics and cut out the two hearts. Position largest heart 4cm down from top of doorstop front and iron in place. Iron smaller heart inside large heart. Zigzag stitch around outer edge of both hearts.

2. Fold handle in half lengthways and stitch long edges together, taking 1cm seam allowances. Turn right side out and press. Fold handle in half and tack ends to top of doorstop front at centre of top edge. Pin and stitch front to back around outer edges, taking 1cm seam allowance and leaving a gap in bottom edge for turning through.

3. Flatten and fold the bottom corners so side and bottom seams match. Stitch for 5cm across the corners as shown. Trim seam allowances to 1cm. Turn right side out and press. Fill with rice and sew up gap in stitching.

Tip: You could also fill your doorstop with pea shingle, available at hardware stores.

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