Make clothes-peg angel Christmas decorations

Clothes-peg angel Christmas decorations to make - Christmas decorations to make - Craft -

You will need...

● Old-fashioned wooden dolly clothes-pegs
● Scraps of fabric for dresses
● Wool oddments
● Paint or felt-tip pens for drawing the faces
● Card or wide stiff ribbon for the wings
● Pipe cleaners for the arms (or you could use tiny twigs for a rustic look)
● Glue gun
● Needle and thread
● Pinking shears

The face

Hold your clothes peg with the two ends like two little feet facing towards you (see photo).

Paint or draw a face on the round end of the peg. 

(If you have it turned the other way round, your angel will look as though she has only one solid foot – but if it’s too late and you’ve already done the face, don’t worry, just make the dress long enough to cover the feet.)

The bodice

Measure the main part of the peg body from top to bottom and find a piece of fabric that is long enough to cover it and wide enough to wrap all the way round.

Fasten to the body with a strip of glue at the back and some glue along the top to hold in place.

The skirt

Find a scrap of fabric that is approximately 20cm wide x the length of your peg.

Thread your needle and tie a knot in the end of your thread. Using running stitch, sew along the top edge of the fabric. At the end, gather the fabric along the thread so that it’s small enough to wrap around your peg with both edges meeting at the centre back.

Position the skirt so that a little bit of the body fabric is visible at the top so it looks like the bodice of the dress.

Using the glue gun, fasten the skirt to the peg at the back.

Trim the bottom of the skirt with pinking shears (to give the zigzag edge effect) and for her little feet to show below.  

The hair

Decide on the length and colour of hair you want.  Put a thin line of glue down the centre of the head (like a parting) and using your oddments of wool to design her hairstyle.

The arms

Fold a pipecleaner in half and glue the centre of the pipecleaner to the back of the angel. Trim the ends of the pipecleaner if her arms look too long.

The wings

Cut some wings from card – or fold over your ribbon (like a bow) and glue onto the centre back.  

Finishing off

Tie a long strand of embroidery thread or wool around the neck of the angel (this should look like a necklace rather than a noose!) and tie a loop at the end so that she can be hung up.

Instructions: Suzanna Drew-Edwards

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